Connect with your clients and build long-term trading relationships
Our system delivers premium quality education which helps to convert and retain clients for longer.

Premium education platform
Our founding team has been selling premium trader education products since 2012.
We understand exactly what appeals to retail traders and (most importantly) what they value and use in their daily trading routines.
Our education platform has been created with all of this refined expertise baked in.
We understand that clients connect better with real trading experts that they can see and hear.
Our team of analysts has been handpicked and only includes those that started as retail traders and truly understand their struggles.
We understand that trading education must be delivered in the context of market moving events and real-time prices.
Our educational analysis teaches traders how and why prices are moving and explains each move as they happen.
We understand that clients have questions and feel lonely when trading at home.
Our education platform allows your clients to engage directly with professional analysts, to ask questions and bounce ideas off them.
Engaging your clients is our primary goal and all of our content is centred around that concept.

Pre-built conversion loop
Our software has been built specifically to maximise engagement with your clients.
This goes beyond the content delivered inside our education platform.
While most trading tools are simply installed and then forgotten, our system is designed to operate at the centre of your sales and marketing teams.
For example, the Quantum system includes a pre-built lead-gen-site.
This site is purposefully designed to help your clients and leads understand the value of the education platform.
The client engagement process begins here, before they even receive any access to the education platform itself.
The site contains descriptive text explanations of the features and benefits included in the platform.
Each feature is showcased on its own dedicated page that includes text, images and video.
This helps clients fully understand the premium nature of the education platform to increase desire.
The site makes it quick and simple for leads to request access to the platform.
This process helps to generate sales-qualified-leads for your team to follow up with and close.
By requesting access via the site, clients are then actively expecting the next interaction with your sales team.
This creates a much higher quality lead and will radically improve your conversion rates.
When client access ends, our system will still allow them to log into the platform.
In fact, their log-ins will never expire after they have been created (although they can change their log in details at any time).
This allows your clients and leads to periodically check the platform out and see all new training and indicators that have been released.
However, each item will be locked so that they are unable to access the value of the product.
Your clients will then be prompted to request extended access in order to unlock the platform’s content and features.
If the client enjoyed using the platform then there is a strong chance they will request further access to continue with it.
This pushes them back through the conversion loop for as long as they wish to use the product.
It can operate as a fantastic method of retaining high-value clients for longer.
Our auto-pilot system offers similar engagement capabilities.
It’s integrated into your client portal or trading platform and syncs with your clients trading account data.
This allows it to automatically lock/unlock the educational content based on specific rules that you and your team can create.
When your marketing team drives leads and clients to view or even try the platform, the software takes over to automatically filter and segment these people.
All our systems have been designed from the ground up to engage your clients at every stage and maximise conversion.

Readymade sales templates
The engagement process begins with your clients being made aware that the education platform is there.
We help your team with campaign templates that they can use immediately to start advertising the platform to your audiences.
These include the following:
Email sequences
We can provide a range of email sequences that you can use to engage your clients right away around the education platform.
These include launch sequences, content promotions and special events.
These sequences will help your marketing team create multiple, ongoing, campaigns that drive traffic to the education platform.
Depending on how you use it, our systems can then assist in converting that traffic.
Email sequences work best when they are automated and sent to every client when they perform a specific action.
For example, we can help you create a welcome sequence to every new lead that your brokerage generates.
This will immediately make every new contact aware about the education platform and the benefits it offers.
Another sequence can be sent to every successful demo trader.
Their current profitability can be used as a great introduction to opening a live account and receiving premium educational analysis.
There are many different scenarios that can be used to trigger contextual and effective email campaigns.
Setting these up will result in a steady stream of interested clients that want access to the education platform.
These sales-qualified leads can be fed to your sales teams automatically, using our system.
Automated sequences targeting specific segments of your audience are a great way to drive traffic to the product.
Another great method is to use dynamic campaigns that are sent to specific segments on a daily, weekly or even monthly basis.
Because our education platform is constantly producing high quality content and analysis, this can be used to appeal to clients.
For example, the analyst team may be covering a high-impact news even towards the end of the week.
We can assist your marketing team to catch these opportunities and create sequences that can be sent to your audience.
Another example is when we launch brand new content or features inside the platform.
These announcements can also generate excitement and curiosity in your database.
The more targeted automated campaigns you have running and the more regularly you run dynamic campaigns you promote, the more clients you will convert.
Email marketing can play a huge role in your client engagement when you use our education platform as a powerful hook.
Website banners
Banners can be placed in key pages along the customer journey.
This can include, your main sales website, websites of your IBs and affiliates, your social media channels, and inside your client portal.
These banners will be highly visible and attract specific clients.
Anyone that is interested in using premium research or educational analysis will click the banners to learn more about the offer.
Each banner can lead your audience to dedicated landing pages which in turn can generate sales-qualified leads.
By placing banners in visible locations, you will add another component that works constantly to generate interested clients.
This will automatically filter out high-quality leads that your sales team can prioritise.
Ad copy templates
High-quality engagement can continue outside of your core marketing and website assets.
Retargeting advertising is especially effective.
We can help your marketing team design proven campaigns that target specific clients based on their actions.
For example, every client that has requested access to the education platform should see regular promotions of the high-value content happening there.
This will keep their interest high and encourage continued usage, which in turn will positively impact your bottom-line metrics.
In fact, any client that has expressed an interest in the platform could be similarly targeted to help encourage conversion.
General campaigns can also be very effective.
For example, targeting all of your active and inactive trading clients to make them aware of the education platform can work well.
This works as a filter to generate interest from any client that may have missed your other communications about it.
Any that request an interest, can then be targeted with more specific offers about accessing the premium educational analysis.
Some brokers even run ads to cold traffic using the education platform and content as a leading hook.
This can be another effective paid advertising strategy that our product can assist with.
Landing page designs
When trying to engage clients, one of the most important elements is offering them something they value.
This sounds obvious but it can be difficult to achieve for most brokerage businesses.
There is very little to separate most medium/large brokers offering the standard features and services.
Our quantum system includes software that can help you create powerful landing pages.
We have pre-made pages that your marketing team can begin using immediately.
Each page contains clear text and detailed imagery/videos to showcase the educational features that clients will receive.
This can be used to engage clients and increase desire.
Our conversion experts will also assist you with creating more targeted pages with more specific messaging, based on your campaign objectives.
Using landing pages that clearly convey the value and benefits or trading with our education platform will attract more clients and improve conversions.
Sales team cheat sheets
Talking directly to clients is one of the best forms of engagement.
Our system gives your sales team the perfect hook to use when contacting clients about your products and services.
When contacting a client without any hook, conversions are almost impossible.
Poorly constructed hooks (deposit or cash bonuses etc) are almost equally ineffective and only attract low value clients.
Our premium educational analysis platform offers clients the opportunity to access something valuable to their trading.
It actively helps them make more informed (and better quality) decisions.
When your sales team has this as a hook, the conversations with leads develop in a completely different direction.
Both quantum and auto-pilot systems help to generate sales-qualified-leads.
These leads will be actively expecting contact from your team. They will already desire access to a product related to your trading account.
All your sales team needs to do is help them understand exactly how they can access the platform.
We can assist with cheat sheets that contain examples of offers and deals that can be used by sales teams.
This includes helping new clients but also existing clients that are interested in extending their access.
FAQs about how we assist client engagement
Our systems can be deployed within highly regulated environments including FCA, CFTC, CySec and ASIC regions.
We have designed them around guidance given by the major regulators on inducement.
Essentially, regulators want brokers to act in the best interest of the clients.
Providing your clients with education, research and analysis is clearly in the best interests of your clients.
Research and analysis helps traders to make more informed decisions on their account.
Education and training gives traders useful information and a deeper understanding of the markets they are trading.
These resources compliment their trading activity and help to enhance their experience in a positive manner.
They are directly related to the trading and investment goals that your clients have.
Our professional team of analysts are highly trained and understand how to deliver useful, informative content while remaining compliant.
We can also assist with positioning the offer within your existing products and account types.
This will ensure that every client clearly understands exactly how they can access the education platform in a transparent and compliant manner.
The software functionality is flexible and customisable based on the preferences of your compliance and executive teams.
Our settings can be adjusted to suit each individual region and their specific restrictions.
We achieve client engagement (with your clients) in two main ways.
First, through our technology. Our software has been specifically designed with brokers in mind.
Our innovations allow us to deliver highly engaging educational analysis in real-time to an unlimited number of clients.
This type of content is highly engaging because it is always based on prevailing market-moving catalysts.
Secondly, our pricing model allows your clients to ask questions and receive personalised replies.
We charge overage fees for Q&A access that you provide for your clients. This makes it cost-effective for us.
You can control which clients receive this access to ensure that only high-value clients use it.
This makes it infinitely scalable and cost-effective for your brokerage.
You can make access conditional on any criteria you prefer.
Our auto-pilot software allows you to create access rules that are automatically applied to each client when they attempt to access the education platform.
Our quantum system allows you to customise which metrics you track alongside client access requests.
When they create access for a client, you can include the option for them to input which metric it was based on.
This allows you to build insights over time to make better decisions and conditional access strategies.