Deploy our pre-built conversion system immediately

Drive traffic to the lead-gen-site and generate qualified leads for your sales team to close.

White-label education platform

At the heart of quantum (and all our systems) is our education platform. It’s proven in the conversion of retail traders.

In the quantum system our education platform is housed in a standalone website.

This website is branded as your own and can be presented to clients as your own in-house product.

The site also includes a customised URL to complete the native feeling for your clients.

Your sales and marketing teams can create access accounts for clients on this version of the education platform.

The entire account creation process is standalone and requires no internal integrations.

Our system automatically emails your clients with their log in details and password creation links immediately after your team grants them access.

Client access will remain valid forever, but the platform features can be locked or unlocked by your team.

Your marketing team then creates campaigns to drive traffic to the site.

If the client already has an account, they will automatically see the education platform when they visit.

If the features are locked, they will be prompted to request access again.

These requests create a sales-qualified lead that your sales team can follow up with.

The client will be expecting the call and your team can explain what’s required to unlock it.

This allows each sales call to be totally bespoke based on the situation of each client.

Your team can test different deals to find the offer that resonates most with your client base.

Quantum creates a conversion loop whereby the client never actually loses access to the platform.

Instead, the core features become ‘locked’ and they are encouraged to request access to unlock it.

This pushes them back to your sales teams over and over again for as long as they trade with the product.

This often increases average deposit rates of your client base along with the average lifetime value.

White-label conversion site

If the client does not have an account yet, they will land and see a lead-gen-site.

This site contains multiple pages that describe all of the features and benefits of the education platform along with videos and demos.

This information is designed to increase desire and encourage the trader to request access to use the platform.

These requests also generate sales qualified leads for your team to follow up with.

The lead-gen-site is fully white labelled and branded to your business.

The clients view it as your own product and something that they want to use as part of your trading platform offering.

The site can also be customised and updated as required by your team, before deployment.

It is comprehensive and contains a huge amount of content to describe the education platform and the benefits of trading with it.

Each feature is showcased on its own dedicated sales page and product tour video.

This makes it extremely clear for new visitors to understand.

The site is a vital part of the conversion loop, especially if you have an existing sales team that is hungry for qualified leads.

When your marketing creates ongoing traffic campaigns to the site, it results in a steady stream of leads for sales to close.

Conditional product access

Your sales team can follow up to each request and explain the access requirements.

These can be customised for each client as appropriate.

There are two main methods for setting client expectations about the value of the platform.

The first method involves anchoring the education platform to a publicly advertised account level.

For example, you might have three account types, such as ‘standard’, ‘pro’ and ‘raw’ (or similar.)

Each account level usually has a minimum required balance.

To access the platform requires the minimum account balance to be deposited and maintained.

Sales teams can use this value-anchor to negotiate custom deals with clients that submit requests.

They can also pitch the product to new clients that may not have heard about it yet.

When the client can visit your main website and see the value clearly displayed it makes each negotiation much easier for your team.

For example, if the minimum balance required is normally $1,000, your team can offer the client limited access for a month, for a much smaller amount.

This allows them to test the waters and engage with the platform before committing funds to keep the platform unlocked.

At the end of their month, the platform will automatically lock for them and they will be prompted to reconnect with the sales team to extend their access.

When you give your sales team a hook like this they will have much more success in generating and converting leads.

The second method of displaying value is to keep the platform completely hidden from all public sites.

Your team can then explain to clients that access is exclusively given on an invite-only basis.

Again, this will feel compelling because although the platform isn’t mentioned anywhere else, the client will be able to view the demo of it.

Invitations to access the product can be withdrawn at any time and can be used to generate natural urgency.

The sales team are similarly free to negotiate each deal completely separately on a case by case basis.

When your team is ready to provide access to a client, they can simply log into our dedicated portal and complete a form.

This form will immediately send the client their access details by email and unlock the platform.

Every request requires the sales team to input an expiry period for the access which avoids clients inadvertently getting unlimited access.

This feature also ensures that all access expires and prompts the client to request more.

When creating access the sales team will also be prompted to input the deposit amount and account balance for the client.

This will allow you to track, over time, the impact that our system is having on your business metrics.

If you have an API available we can connect that to the quantum system so that all data is synced seamlessly.

This allows more accurate client data to be analysed and also automatic access based on the clients brokerage account.

Although this is a useful feature it’s by no means required in order to get immense value from the quantum system inside your business.

FAQs about the quantum conversion-system

Read below to find answers to the most commonly asked questions we receive.

To create the conversion site you simply need to begin onboarding and provide the name that you’d like displayed in the URL.

Once this is created, and your team is happy, you can begin driving traffic to the conversion site and converting leads into the education platform immediately.

It’s definitely possible to be up and running with the quantum system during the same day.

For quantum to be truly effective for your business in the long-run, it will require consistent marketing campaigns.

These campaigns will drive traffic to the site so that clients can request access and automatically convert themselves into sales-qualified leads.

We recommend only driving existing leads and audiences to the site that are already familiar with your brand.

Driving cold traffic from paid sources rarely works in any type of campaign and this is no different.

But when you drive warm traffic, you will start to generate a consistent flow of leads, requesting access.

Our conversion experts can help you set up and run these campaigns with our ready made templates and proven systems.

This is included with all products as part of the concierge onboarding process.

We can also provide training and support to your sales teams and help your education creators curate their content in a high-value manner.

From the moment you start onboarding our team is dedicated to getting your system up and running so that you start generating leads ASAP.

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